and make a BJJ career without being a champion

BJJ needs Great Instructors

..too bad there’s never been any courses in how to teach BJJ.

But now there is!

Become a BJJ Coach, and teach:

✅Beginners Classes
✅BJJ Intro Courses
✅Private Lessons

The skills you get from this course
will stay with you for life.

Become a Yoga Coach®, and teach:

✅Amazing BJJ warmups
✅Chilled Cooldowns
✅Standalone Yoga & mobility Classes

With this education you will be more
confident in teaching than most black belts.

Is there any point in doing this? I’m just a white/blue belt!

The best coaches can relate fully with students. If you start learning to be a coach today, you will be an oustanding coach in 1-2 years, and you will remember all your struggles and can relate to your students better than any black belt.

But I already have a ton of BJJ instructionals?

Instructionals are good for learning BJJ, but they won’t show you how to structure classes, answer tricky questions or give you a curriculum. These courses give you career skills, not more details for half guard.

How long does it take?

10 hours. The magic with this course is not how much details we crammed in, but how simple we made it. Anyone can learn to teach Yoga or BJJ, if they focus and commit.